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Bernalillo County Commissioners Approve Public Lands and Methane Resolutions

Both measures passed 3-1

Bernalillo County became the latest in New Mexico to approve a resolution protecting our public lands. Representing about half a million people, the commission said loud and clear that keeping public lands open to all Americans is a priority for Bernalillo County. Additionally, the commission also approved the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed rules to cut methane which will protect the environment and save taxpayers money. The New Mexico Wildlife Federation has spoken on numerous occasions about the need to approve these rules. Both resolutions were sponsored by Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins and we thank her for her leadership on this issue.

Our Communications Director and Deputy Director both spoke during the public comments section, you can read their statements below:

My name is Susan Torres and I am the communications director at the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, a nonprofit founded over 100 years ago by conservationist Aldo Leopold. I am excited to speak today not only on behalf of my organization but also as a resident of Bernalillo County in support of the public lands resolution.

I grew up on the East Coast, a place with very few public lands. Since moving to Albuquerque I’ve been amazed at the endless opportunities New Mexicans have to hunt, fish, camp, and hike outdoors. Everyone – no matter their race or economic status – are landowners and stewards of these places.

However there is a growing movement to deny Americans access to the public lands that are rightfully theirs. Proponents of the land seizure movement say they are “giving the land back” but you can’t give something back that is already ours. Land seizure movements want to take public lands out of federal management and transfer them to the states – however this could mean selling the lands off to private interests and closing them to the public forever.

I am glad Bernalillo County is taking the initiative today to say no to these public land seizure advocates. Keeping our public lands open to all Americans will ensure everyone in this room today, as well as future generations, have the same opportunities we do to recreate in the outdoors. I encourage you to vote in favor of adopting the Public Lands Resolution in front of you this evening, thank you.

I’m Todd Leahy Deputy Director of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation representing over 80,000 New Mexico sportsmen and women.

My comments are twofold.

First, methane. Under the current rules venting, flaring, and methane release disrupts valuable wildlife habitat. These rules will not only protect our outdoor traditions but they will go a long toward reducing the threat of climate change. I urge you to adopt the resolution in favor of the BLM methane rule.

Second, federal public lands are our national heritage bestowed upon us by people punished for hunting the King’s animals in the King’s woods. While we may differ over how these lands are managed we can all agree that these lands should remain open to all Americans as the Founders intended. I urge you to adopt Commissioner Hart-Stebbins pro-public lands resolution.