Jason Kerkmans
A graduate of University of New Mexico School of Law, Jason is a native New
Mexican and avid fly fisherman who grew up casting in New Mexico streams – a
journalist-turned-attorney and adult-onset archery hunter. He currently volunteers
with the NM Supreme Court’s Rules of Evidence Committee, serves on the UNM Law
Alumni Association board of directors and is a member of the Governor’s Brain
Injury Advisory Council. Fly fishing shaped Jason’s interest in conservation and
inspired him as a UNM law student to initiate research into the status and legal
history of public access to New Mexico streams; his findings ultimately reshaped
enforcement of the state’s water laws. He joined the NMWF board to become a more
active participant in the conservation community and is specifically interested in
“contributing to NMWF’s continued track record of protecting, improving and
increasing access to public waters and lands in New Mexico.”