June Game Commission Report Back
A lot was on the agenda for the most recent meeting of the game commission in Santa Rosa, including a
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Press Release
NMWF to Submit Comments in Support of Updating Coal Leasing Program
June 22, 2016 For immediate release GRAND JUNCTION – The Bureau of Land Management is taking significant steps to update
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Outdoor Reporter
Predator management is all about finding the balance
We want predators in balance, to where we can allow some predation but not so much that a population declines to where we have to significantly limit hunting opportunity. The public wants science-based management and we’re getting there.
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Outdoor Reporter
Exotics enrich NM hunting opportunity
The fact is that our exotic game animals are likely here to stay, regardless of any future intentions to annihilate them all. Under current management strategies, hunters play an important role in keeping them at a manageable level.
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Outdoor Reporter
Turkey tracks getting thicker all over New Mexico
As shown by the data, managers have found that New Mexico’s liberal regulations have no significant impact on turkey numbers while providing generous seasons and ample opportunities for hunters to pursue this exciting and delectable game bird.
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Outdoor Reporter
Rocky Mountain sheep license numbers are inching up. Three ram licenses added to this year’s Latir area hunts brought the draw license totals to 12 rams, and the game department is in the early planning stages to open two new hunt areas, the Rio Grande and Dry Cimarron.
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Outdoor Reporter
Bighorn on the upswing
Desert and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep numbers are inching up in New Mexico, just as a recent federal judge’s decision cleared the way for resident hunters to receive the vast majority of bighorn tags for the first time ever.
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Outdoor Reporter
Antelope stocks fairly steady, despite drought
Thanks to stronger laws and game management through New Mexico’s adherence to the North American Model of Wildlife Management, plus efforts by sportsmen and the state to rebuild populations, pronghorn antelope numbers begin to rise.
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Outdoor Reporter
Rebuilding mule deer numbers will take time
When you think of game species in the West, the mule deer is an iconic representation of western hunting and heritage. With their large distribution and popularity among hunters, Odocoileus hemonious is one of the most economically and socially significant animals in New Mexico.
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