Press Release
New Mexico Wildlife Federation Responds to End of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Standoff
New Mexico sportsmen and women express their regret that the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge ended with violence, but are relieved the standoff is over.
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Press Release
Moratorium on public lands coal leases will benefit habitat, sportsmen
New Mexico sportsmen and women today applaud President Barack Obama and Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell for reforming the federal coal program; it is broken, outdated and costs American taxpayers millions of dollars.
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Press Release
Sportsmen relieved that crucial conservation program revived
New Mexico sportsmen were relieved to see today that Congress has agreed to extend the Land and Water Conservation Fund for three years and provide at least partial funding for one of the nation’s most important conservation tools.
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Press Release
NM sportsmen reject Rep. Bishop's assault on Land, Water Conservation Fund
Rep. Rob Bishop has introduced legislation that would cripple the Land and Water Conservation Fund. New Mexico Wildlife Federation President John Crenshaw today urged the entire New Mexico congressional delegation to reject Bishop’s proposal in the strongest possible terms.
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Press Release
NM sportsmen want access, but not at any cost
New Mexico hunters, trappers and anglers are willing to pay far more than ever before to access State Trust Land. With a Nov. 19 deadline looming, Dunn continues to demand at least a five-fold increase from the Department of Game and Fish to allow licensed sportsmen onto some 8 million acres of land.
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Outdoor Reporter
Public Lands and the Constitution: A Primer
An overview of public land state and federal policy and how it effects New Mexico outdoor enthusiasts.
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Stream access opinion signals change for NM anglers
New Mexico anglers got some unexpected good news in mid-April – the state Attorney General’s Office declared that all New Mexico fishing streams are public domain, and therefore open to fishing and wading, regardless who owns the adjoining property.
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Protect your right to fish NM streams
NMWF opposed both House Bill 235 and SB 226 because the legislation creates a new definition of trespass that would negatively impact anglers and boaters.
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Game Commission to Elect Officers
Elections for chairman and vice-chairman are expected to be the top actions when the State Game Commission meets Thursday, Jan.
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