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Project Healing Waters Fundraiser

Join Project Healing Waters on November, 12th

The Albuquerque PHW program would like you to join them for a fundraiser and educational day at Los Pinos Fly and Tackle Shop from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  The address is 4360 Cutler Ave NE near Calibers.  Please join us to learn more about fly tying and casting, purchase used by very serviceable fly fishing and fly tying gear, and join the raffle of a custom fly rod by Mark Sawyer of Los Pinos, a guided day trip with Thomas Pena, all flies tied by our guest tiers, and a variety of other fly fishing items and have a chance to win some door prizes that includes PHW hats, buffs, flies, and other small fly fishing items.

The purpose of the event is to raise operating funds for our program and raise awareness of what PHW does for active duty, guard, reserve, and retired military personnel receiving treatment from government medical facilities overcome the residual effects of military service from combat primarily and military service generally.

Multiple fly tiers, including local fly tying experts Deward Yocum, Bill Frangos, and Mario Atencio, will be demonstrating local and innovative fly patterns and techniques. Bob Widgren, a certified Master Caster, will be holding beginning to intermediate and intermediate to advanced fly casting sessions for those wanting to learn more about casting.  John Swartz representing Mystic, Hardy, and Echo fly rods and Regal vises will be on hand to discuss his product lines.

Mark Sawyer, who along with his wife Cindy are owns Los Pinos, are generously sponsoring this event and Mark is donating the custom fly rod to be raffled off on the 12th.

Project Healing Waters (PHW) is a primarily national program with over 225 individual programs such as the one conducted at the Albuquerque Veterans Medical Center that serves over 7,000 veterans and active duty personnel annually.