Teach with our amazing wildlife!
Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education curriculum emphasizing wildlife.
Let your students explore, discover, research, play, and learn with lessons based on real wildlife environments. Choose from over 100 prepared lessons to meet state and national school standards in science, math, language arts, and physical education with hands-on, interactive lessons.

Project WILD was introduced in 1983, expanding to include additional curriculums such as Aquatic WILD, Flying WILD, and Growing Up WILD. Today, Project WILD is one of the largest wildlife education programs in the world – training more than 1.5 million educators and reaching over 100 million youth worldwide. Project WILD is administered by the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA).
Learn more about Project WILD at www.fishwildlife.org/projectwild
Contact NM State Project WILD Coordinator
Laura Lewis